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Silver One Rupee Coin of Gaj Singh of Balda Bikaner Mint of Bikaner State.
Bikanir, Gaj Singh, Baldat Bkanir, Silver Rupee, RY 10
Silver Rupee Coin of Gaj Singh of Bikanir.
Copper Paisa Coin of Gaj Singh of Bikanir in the name of Alamgir II.
Copper Paisa Coin of Gaj Singh of Bikanir State.
Silver One Rupee Coin of Gaj Singh of Bikanir State.
Copper One Quarter Anna Coin of Ganga Singh of Bikanir State.
Silver One Rupee Coin of Gaj Singh of Balda Bikanir Mint of Bikanir State.
Silver One Rupee Coin of Gaj Singh of Baldat Bikanir Mint of Bikanir.
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