Gupta Dynasy, Samudragupta (335-370AD), Gold Dinar, Battle Axe Type, Obv: king standing to left, wearing a close-fitted cap, tailed coat and trousers & there is a sword hanging on his left side, the king holds a Battle Axe (Parashu) in left hand, right hand resting on waist, dwarf attendant (Vamana) at left, facing right and holding crescent-topped standard, brahmi legend below the left hand of the king "samudra" and partly visible circular legend reads 'kritantaparshurjayatyajitarajjetajitah', Rev: goddess lakshmi enthroned facing, throne has no back, feets of goddess are resting on lotus, holding diadem in her right hand and cornucopia in left, tamgha to left, complete brahmi legends "kritantaparashuh" which means battle axe, 7.32g, 18.92mm, (variant of Altekar, Bayana Hoard # Pl. V-8), about very fine+, Extremely Rare.
The brahmi legends are complete at the reverse within in the specimen.