Gupta Dynasty, Kumaragupta I(Mahendraditya) (415-455 AD), Gold Dinar, Archer Type, Without 'Ku', Obv: king standing left holding bow in his left hand arrow in right hand, garuda standard at left, without a brahmi letter under his arm, circular brahmi legend ("Paramaraja, Sra-Kumaragupta"), with the letter 'Gu' being above the king's right hand and 'Pta' above garuda, Rev: goddess lakshmi seated facing on lotus, holding diadem in her right hand and long-stemmed lotus in left, brahmi legend "Sri Mahendra" in the right field, tamgha to left, 7.97g,17.53mm, (Variant of Altekar, Bayana Hoard # Pl. X-7), about extremely fine, Rare. .
In this variety obverse is not having brahmi legend 'Ku' under the king's arm. The lotus held by goddess is bloomed with petals. Interesting Specimen!