Post-Guptas, Pushyabhuti Dynasty, Harshavardhana (Siladitya) (606-647 CE), Silver Drachma, Obv: side profile of the king facing left in Maukhari style with a simple crescent above, Rev: a fan-tailed peacock in the center facing left, Brahmi legend "(Vijitavanir avanapati ri) siladitya divam jayati" around the field, 2.3g, 13.27mm, (Mitch. ACW # 4934-4935/W. Pieper # 928), about very fine, Rare.
Note: It was issued by the famous Pushyabhuti king Harshavardhana who ascended the throne of Thaneswar in modern-day Haryana during the 7th century CE. His coinage resembles that of the Madhyadesa type of the Guptas, illustrated by the fan-tailed peacock on the reverse and legends that are similar to those on the older coins.