Jahangir (AH 1014-1037/1605-1627 AD) Patna Mint (Complete mint name visible), Silver Nisar 1/20 Rupee (Suki), AH 1034, Hijri type, Obv: Persian legend "(Noor) ud din Jahangir Shah (Akbar Shah)", Rev: Persian legend "zarb Patna", julus Hijri year 1034 completely visible, 0.56g, 8.68mm, (Unlisted in KM/Liddle Plate Specimen # Type S-83), about extremely fine, Extremely Rare.
Note: Among all Mughal emperors, Jahangir displayed a unique predisposition towards his coinage. He initiated the practice of striking special coins for court rituals like Nazr and Nisar. Of these, the Nisar coins functioned as agents to disperse the ill effects of the "evil eye" by distracting the public to make them look away while the emperor presented himself, at the court or while in procession. Jahangir mentions several times in his autobiography the amount of money he scattered away while staging processions in cities like Ahmadabad - however, it is apparent that the ritual was carried out by other high-ranking members or officials because Nisars are known from places, which the emperor never visited.
Nisars are often struck in low denominations ostensibly to make a certain amount last when it was scattered over a certain time span while the ritual or procession ensued. But most such very low denomination Nisars are very rare as their chances of survival in circulation were limited. Fractions such as Dassa or 1/10 rupee and Suki or 1/20 rupee are some of the rarest Mughal coins.
It is a Plate Specimen illustrated as Type S-83 on page no. 143 of Coins of Jahangir book authored by Andrew V. Liddle.Only a few existing pieces are known of this type.